Frequently Asked Questions
- What is Vdldoc?
From OmniFaces Vdldoc' homepage:
Vdldoc is a forked and rewritten version of old JSP TLDdoc Generator as previously available at (which is nowhere available right now). Vdldoc has near-complete support for Facelets *.taglib.xml files. The generated documentation has Java 8 javadoc look'n'feel.
- How does the generated documentation look like?
It looks similar to documentation generated by JavaDoc. OmniFaces has great documentation to look at.
- Are there other plugins to achieve this?
When starting this project, I couldn't find any other plugin. However,
once this plugin was ready to use and published, someone noticed me
another vdldoc-maven-plugin.
- Is there support for aggregating reports in a multi-module project?
- There is currently no support for aggregating multiple Vdldoc reports in a maven multi-module project. If you need this, create a patch and send me a pull-request.